Remote control for mac that will blank remote screen
Remote control for mac that will blank remote screen

remote control for mac that will blank remote screen

Launch applications in the folder "Applications" and in the Dock.Custom command FOR EACH Mac application.

remote control for mac that will blank remote screen

Want to start a video? Do not look for it with the mouse, FullControl allows you to access the contents of folders on your Mac and launch files with the program of your choice!

  • navigate through Mac filesystem and open files ĭo you want to skip to the next track? There is a fast command for this! Do you need to stop the movie? There is a command for this!.
  • there are specific commands for each Mac application, for ALL Mac applications!.
  • So you can control your computer with a tap or flick of a finger. This isn't perfect, you need to ensure your secondary user has the relevant access rights to the files and such that you may need to access, or you may have to adopt the awkward practice of leaving your secondary (or "dummy") user logged in when you leave the desk allowing you to use your primary ID over screen sharing, but it may help.FullControl is a fun, and easy-to-use app that turns your iPhone or iPad into a remote control.
  • If you login with another user who is not already logged in at the hardware display, you get the following message and the ability to use the virtual display which results in being able to do whatever you like without changing the main screen and with no possibility of anyone being able to watch it.
  • If your the user you try to login as is already logged in, then it will always switch to that user and use the hardware display.
  • If no one is logged into the target machine, you will always get the Hardware display showing the normal login screen.
  • Firstly, have another user to your normal one that has the relevant screen sharing options allowed, then login: To use the virtual display, here's what you need to do. This was an easy thing to use on 10.7 but it's been obfuscated rather on 10.8 and the menu item command to switch displays is gone. Using normal screen sharing you have the option of using either the hardware display, or the virtual one. OK, I cannot comment on using ARD, I don't have it, but this may be a suitable workaround, at least in the meantime. Either way, it seems like the solution should be the same. I'm not sure what I'm doing to trigger this situation, but I'm definitely not logging out. This will leave the Mac inaccessible to the Remote Desktop app and even a physical user of the computer, with the large lock icon still on the screen of the target Mac. One way to reproduce this: Log in to the target Mac with Remote Desktop, initiate Curtain mode, and then after finishing whatever work was to be done, log out the user on the target Mac while still under Curtain mode. My question: is there a way to successfully unlock a Mac that's stuck on the ARD lock screen, using ssh or otherwise? to tell all my running applications to gracefully quit, then I run shutdown -r now to reboot the machine. Eventually, I resort to using osascript -e. None of these things seem to unlock the screen. I've tried killing the ARDAgent process, the screen lock process (I can't recall the name), and anything else I can find with "ard" or "remote" in the process name. I usually try ssh-ing into the Mac from another machine and killing processes. Despite now being physically present in front of the Mac, I can't find a way to unlock the screen.

    remote control for mac that will blank remote screen

    (Latest ARD and OS X 10.8.2 on both machines.) When this happens, I come in to work the next day to find the big lock icon and message on my Mac's screen. Unfortunately, there's a bug of some kind that causes the remote Mac's screen to stay locked, even after I've disconnected from it. My work Mac's screen shows a big lock icon and a message while I'm remotely controlling it from my home Mac using Apple Remote Desktop (ARD). I use this when I connect to my work Mac from my home Mac. Apple Remote Desktop has a "curtain" feature that a remote client can use to lock the screen of the Mac that's being remotely controlled.

    Remote control for mac that will blank remote screen